21 oktober, 2010

Rosario by Fontanarrosa

"We are creative people. In absence of wonderful landscapes, Rosario has beautiful women and good football. What else an intellectual might ask for? That’s my answer each time I’m asked why I live in Rosario, a fact that I don’t find so curious: one million two hundred thousand people have taken the same decision.

In short, Rosario is like a smaller Buenos Aires. Fortunately, much smaller and with far fewer people. And I must confess that, like many other “rosarinos”, I selfishly hope that we’ll never be millions of people. Actually, nobody could have ever explained to me what the advantage of being many people is. Where lies the benefit of being like –exaggerating– São Paulo or Mexico City?.

Rosario is a city made by immigrants, sharply Italian in its style, more tango than folklore-styled, more merchant than colonial, that pursues its identity and profile through what it does and what it produces. But for sure, sometimes the proximity to Buenos Aires makes us look like that city.

Rosario is a city of creative people, my friends. For some reason Manuel Belgrano chose Rosario to create the Argentinian flag."

Dit heb ik hier vandaan gehaald.

"Ik surf nu op het internet, maar ik vertrouw de technologie niet".

Roberto Fontanarrosa was een van de beroemdste Argentijnse schrijvers/striptekenaars. Hij is geboren en getogen in Rosario en is hier in 2007 uiteindelijk gestorven.

1 opmerking:

  1. Nu kan ik al helemaal niet meer wachten tot eind december Willie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    xxxxx van je zuster Annn
